I feel lost and bored with life

A friend was telling me about how he is “bored” with life. He goes to work, maintains his open source project as a hobby, helps out with some local tech comunities, and passively scrolls on social media. He dreams of spending time at cafes, watching movies, relaxing, doing whatever he had in mind, having no…

Istirahat Pasif

Salah satu konsep berguna yg gw sadari sekarang adalah bahwa istirahat itu ada dua aspek: aktif dan pasif. Sedangkan gw hanya terbiasa melakukan segala2nya secara aktif. Try harder, do more, be better. Ternyata istirahat / “healing” / refreshing itu nggak selalu bisa “didapatkan”, dipercepat, diakali / di-hack. Kadang istirahat itu lebih cocok diundang, dipersilakan masuk,…

To share or not to share

I was listening to Afford Anything – What’s the Point of Happiness, Anyway?, with Dr. Bill Von Hippel. He proposed that as alternative to accumulating stuff, a better strategy would be to buy experiences instead. He suggested: Do stuff with your money that allows you to be more of the person you want to be,…

Senses over lenses

How much of your day to day experiences and activities are related to being in front of screens? For me, it’s at least 14 hours. Especially since the pandemic. I sleep for average of 7.5 hours per day. I do knowledge work for average of 6.5 hours per day. The remainder of the time I…

How to Relax

remember to play. do offline activities. scribble. declutter. physically mentally socially. make a list. throw away, purge, move on, forgive. groom. shower, dye your hair, moisturise. connect with other human beings calibrate your baseline. own your expectations. lower the stakes. notice the abundance. be grateful. accept and expect change move (change environment and/or get blood…

Welcoming and perceiving beauty

“You cannot perceive beauty but with a serene mind.” Thoreau This, basically, what I was talking about RE:any simple moment could be a joyful one if we’re in a healthy state of mind & physical capacity. Serene mind, calm heart, and healthy body can make any moment beautiful. Our perception is mainly guided and limited…

What does being rich means to you?

Read this yesterday https://www.collaborativefund.com/blog/the-highest-forms-of-wealth/ Controlling your time and the ability to wake up and say, “I can do whatever I want today.” When money becomes like oxygen: so abundant relative to your needs that you don’t have to think about it despite it being a critical part of your life. A career that allows for…

Would you do it to your kid?

Still felt tired after napping for extra 2 hours on top of the 4.5 hours of sleep last night. Debated if I should let myself sleep more right now (only 7pm) and not worry about writing or feel guilty of not being more productive. Reason is I’ve spent 4h and 16m fiddlin with my phone…

we’re just tired

it gets better I’ve heard that phrase used a lot in the context of encouraging people struggling with depression and suicidal thoughts, IIRC especially popular in LGBTQ circles. only recently that phrase resonated with me. I interpreted / realised another angle to it as I find myself at a stage in my life where I…