
I needed to collect all the lessons and tactics from 122 YouTube videos on business storytelling. And I need them fast. Why though? Am I learning storytelling? Well, yes and no. Let me explain. Origin story I’m convinced that storytelling is the closest technology that we have for idea transfer. Growing up socially awkward, I…

Attention is cheap. Engagement is gold. The value of cognitive effort.

Yesterday this video showed up on my YouTube recommendation feed. Benjamin Keep, PhD, JD – What makes something memorable? Judging by the title, initially I thought it’s about writing techniques, but apparently it’s specifically about learning. Fortunately, learning is still one topic I’m into and I had some time during a commute, so I…

Is reading the ultimate tool for mental sharpness? I stumbled upon this video of Karlina Supelli, an Indonesian philosopher, astronomer, and public intellectual, where she discussed the value of reading. In the video, she said that while films and social media provide visual and auditory stimulation, they do not typically require the same level of intellectual engagement or provoke a deep internal…

The stages of effective reading

I used to read books ear to ear. I started reading when I was 4. I’d read any book I could lay my hands on. This was OK because I had infinite time & curiosity, and limited discernment. Everything is interesting and relevant. I was in explore mode. I’m almost 40 now. Still a proud…

[Part 2] The YouTube script:

Hey, as promised, I’ll start introducing the different scripts in the Nootroscripts project. [TOC] Overview: analyse, embed, and ask anything about the content of a YouTube video. Feel free to skip to Example usages for a quick start and refer to the documentation-like sections later if you’re not an RTFM kind of person. Input…

Nootroscripts: A suite of LLM-powered scripts for curious curators to help synthesize content in different formats and sources, more efficiently

Hey friends, today I am releasing my LLM-related Python scripts for working with youtube, podcasts, and articles. These CLI-based scripts have boosted my consumption and production process so much. Here’s the link to the github repository: Nootroscripts. Check out the comments in the code. It should help figure out the usage. The code is solid…

SECI model

I’ve fallen into the trap of bottom upping again. Been organically following my curiosity, observing, and theorising about learning, thinking, knowledge and skill acquisition. Then I discovered there’s a name for this established field: Knowledge Management. And then after noodling around in my head with the idea of transformation of knowledge (tacit, explicit), only last…

Remembering more of what you read

3 ways to remember more of what you read: Know what you’re looking for (What do you want to get or achieve by reading this?) Take notes, paraphrase, reflect (active reading) Teach it / share the takeaways (forces you to externalise what you have read in your own words) And a bonus trick: Read it…

How I Read and Consume Audio/Video Content

I recently posted a list of book recommendations for Data Engineering and Data Analysis on my Facebook account. One friend made a comment that the books are quite expensive when converted into local currencies. Yes these technical books averages at USD 30 which could get you 10-15 decent meals in Jakarta, the capital city. and…