Research, retrieve, and use. Find stuff on the internet for fun

I’m having a little celebration moment right now for my information detective skill. Allow me to share it with you. Earlier this week I saw a story of one of my IG acquaintances. it was a picture of a page shown on Kindle (see the passage at the end of this post). it looked interesting…


I needed to collect all the lessons and tactics from 122 YouTube videos on business storytelling. And I need them fast. Why though? Am I learning storytelling? Well, yes and no. Let me explain. Origin story I’m convinced that storytelling is the closest technology that we have for idea transfer. Growing up socially awkward, I…

Protected: Experimentory: an exercise in third-person storytelling

“It just feels like 90% of my life is spent in preparation mode. How much of that was necessary, will they pay off, and when can I finally catch a break, I don’t know” “Ah well, good luck with the interviews. I think you’re perfect for the job.” “Thanks” “Overcomplicating, overpreparing, always researching. Yep, sounds…

Berdansa dengan keterbatasan

Sadar nggak teman-teman bahwa kita senantiasa berdansa dengan keterbatasan? Hampir semua yang kita lakukan sehari-hari itu sebenarnya adalah salah satu dari antara dua hal ini: Berusaha berdamai dengan keterbatasan kita. Berusaha mendobrak dan menggeser rentang keterbatasan kita. Menikmati makanan dan minuman enak, tapi kapasitas perut kita terbatas, kecepatan metabolisme kita terbatas, dan kapasitas keuangan kita…

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