Berdansa dengan keterbatasan

Sadar nggak teman-teman bahwa kita senantiasa berdansa dengan keterbatasan? Hampir semua yang kita lakukan sehari-hari itu sebenarnya adalah salah satu dari antara dua hal ini: Berusaha berdamai dengan keterbatasan kita. Berusaha mendobrak dan menggeser rentang keterbatasan kita. Menikmati makanan dan minuman enak, tapi kapasitas perut kita terbatas, kecepatan metabolisme kita terbatas, dan kapasitas keuangan kita…

Spicy sleight

Someone once shared a trick with me: if you’re not a great cook but want to sell food, your best bet is to make it spicy. Spiciness is often used as a trick to cover up culinary shortcomings. Let’s call this spicy sleight. Before we move on, it’s worth pointing out that this phenomenon is…

I hate people, I like humans

I don’t like people, but I love human. If I have to explain in a drawing: What’s the difference? Realised that statement is quite confusing and open to interpretation, but If you immediately “get” what I mean, we will definitely be frends. But let me try and figure it out: Humans are people I don’t…

Create More, Consume Better Our ability to respond to the new and different is part of what makes us human. We’re interested in creating more of whatever is outside of that status quo. Generally, this interest serves us well. In an evolutionary context it has likely saved us from extinction several times. At this point in our warp-speed…

Work Smart and Level Up #2 – About You

You will find this publication most useful if you are at that point in your career where you’re asking yourself “what’s next?”. Usually this means you are 2-3 years into your career in Tech. You have gained enough hard skills, technical know-hows, and confidence to perform your role steadily. You know what you’re doing and…

Life Cheatsheet

I can sum up the past three years of my life into three core themes: The world makes a lot more sense. Gaining a more complete description of reality. I’ve come to understand myself a lot better. Noticing and disarming the unconscious mechanisms preventing me from experiencing and seeing reality as it is. Life is…

Should I be a Generalist or Specialist?

Is it better to be a generalist or a specialist? I started thinking about this question after seeing Dave Epstein’s new book, Range, mentioned many times in the past week within the productivity and intellectual corner of Twitterverse. The book is making a case for generalists (“people with range”) in this era of specialists. I…

Business: described simply

What are first principles of business? Business A system that is built to solve a problem. Solving the problem creates value for the customer. The solution can come in the form of products and/or services. The goal of the system is to be able to produce the solution in a cost efficient and sustainable way.…