The curse of freedom

Unbounded freedom, infinite possibilities, and illusive empowerment can make the best prison. What do I mean by that? One example: The things I’m currently insecure about are things I think I can change: thinning hair, protruding belly, and verbal communication skill, to name a few. While my flat-bridged nose or square jaw feel more “it…

I’m retired (for now) – Part 1: Mindset shifts

Hello friend, I’m reporting back 7 weeks into this mini retirement and I just want to say that I finally begun to feel more rested. I resigned mid May, interestingly one year since I published the “I can retire but I don’t” post. I survived the excruciating 2.5 months of extended notice period till the…

Being and Doing Queer

being queer has been natural and effortless for me as my sex, gender identity, and gender expression are conveniently aligned. this also means it’s easy for me to not “do” much queer. I’ve gotten away with doing the bare minimum. sometimes bare minimum is good enough but I know I can afford to make more…

Quiet morning with a slightly sore brain

woke up, set up the desk to do some journaling. feeling slightly lightheaded. wanted to listen to something but nothing too intense (my mp3 collection), or distracting (podcast). launched Spotify. Daily Mix 1, briefly saw it’s filled with artists whose names I’ve never heard of. curious what did I listen to recently that spawned this…

The past 6 months

punya bisnis kecil, nggak seindah itu. punya karyawan itu ribet. nanganin kasbon, menjaga loyalty, nggak bisa autopilot lepas tangan total, butuh maintenance. kecuali udah ngebangun tim. punya investasi terdiversifikasi, nggak seindah itu. banyak nyangkutnya. mesti long term, tapi juga ketar ketir hehehe punya ekposure / channel / pintu masuk ke banyak belahan dunia juga berasa…

Annual Me-Time: A Reset

Conscious I haven’t published anything proper for almost 45 days(?). So, a couple of life updates. I’ve been hermitting in my apartment for the past 3 weeks from late September. It’s only an hour drive away from my house and I feel kinda bad for not wanting to go back home just yet, still enjoying…

My Hypothesis Feed

Next Generation Web Services: Flickr (by Jeremy Zawodny) Flickr has been on my radar for a while now, but I only recently began to start playing with it. I’m impressed as hell. After my first 10 minutes of playing with it, I found myself thinking “why don’t we build stuff like this at Yahoo?” In…