Timeless Way of Business-ing (A trap into the Christopher Alexander rabbit-hole)

I was bumping a couple of ideas and concepts against each other this morning. I’m still formulating my thoughts on what problems these parallels and lenses could be useful for, but let’s just look at them right now. Concretely, we’ll talk about Microsoft, Walmart, and Barnes and Nobles. Abstractly, we’ll talk about ‘pattern languages’, differentiations,…

Five C’s of bulletproof relationships

I have this pet framework I’m going to call “the five Cs of bulletproof relationships”. The more of these five that you possess or invest on building together, the more fulfilling your relationships will be. This checklist is applicable beyond romantic relationships. commitment communication compatibility character chemistry I put commitment at the top the because…

Four structure to effectively your presentations.

Been reading Nancy Duarte’s book: Resonate. https://www.duarte.com/presentation-organization-different-structures/ Quick reference for structuring your presentations: These four structures have contrast inherently built into them, and work for persuasive presentations: Problem-solution: Arrange information by stating the problem and then the solution. Establishing that there’s a problem helps convince people of the need for change. Compare-contrast: Arrange information according…