Empathy: a feature or a bug? Yes.

Last week I stumbled upon this post on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/p/C9QKQ9CqtRl/ For accessibility purpose, here’s the text in the image: soracities: – “the ‘humans are inherently selfish’ fanclub can genuinely and in all honesty go to hell. i once came back from a school yard where the kids had heaped piles of leaves and cut wildflowers…

Be a better human, not a better computer.

I think AI being so good they can do the production-line type of work for us is a GOOD thing. It frees us up to be human instead of training ourselves to be better at things that computers are good at: storage, retrieval, sequencing, logic, rule-based inference. What makes human, human? How can we be…

We Like Being Gaslit

Was reading and highlighting this article here and felt like I disagreed. Nope, just like all my sabbaticals…. I gained clarity and perspective for 3 days. And bam, all back. Just like my burnouts, all 4 of them. Right back on it in 3–4 years. Yes we will ride some momentums, make some improvements, and…

Why Diets Don’t Work

Let me start by sharing two thoughts Many people do need to lose fat. But not everyone need to go on a diet. We can lose fat without dieting. Diets don’t work if we don’t address the underlying issue that caused the unhealthy relationship with food and exercise. This is the root issues that cause…