Picking a post title with the help of LLM

While writing that previous post, I needed a title for it. Asked chat GPT: I want to create a title for a blog post the post will talk about the value of engaging with a material, how cognitive effort is the key to effective learning I want to contrast it against the idea of merely…

Pick a phrase

I heard a sentence I like recently: “now is the only time there is”. Later that day, I thought of two other ways of articulating the same idea, but they somehow feel less profound. “now is all you have” “there is only now” AI’s “taste” Curious, I decided to ask Chat GPT to analyse them.…

The limit of (your) language

“The limits of my language means the limits of my world.” — Ludwig Wittgenstein I’ve always taken this to mean I need to extend and enrich the scope of the languages I know. I would acquire new vocabularies, unlock new concepts, and weave new routes of thoughts. But the past 8 months or so, I…

Short form content is not making us stupid and more distracted

I think short form content has been unfairly demonised and long form overly romanticised Short form is NOT making us stupid and distracted. shorter content != dumbed down content not being able to tolerate or engage with badly written text != illiterate Yes sure, there are short form that lack nuance, substance, or clarity. but…

Short form vs long form

Again about the previous post: I think short form content has been unfairly demonised and long form overly romanticised A better way to think about this is: Long form helps you think / find out what you’re trying to say. Short form helps you get the points across. (This frame applies to both reading &…

Get back into the habit of writing (yet again)

So. As part of my latest attempt in untangling this writing paralysis, last Tuesday I promised my therapist to publish two posts to Substack by the end of today. I had one full week but only started dusting off my writing environment on Saturday. Tinkered with some drafts, captured new ideas, but unable to fully…


i don’t need to be brief. i don’t need to be coherent. i dont need to be heard/read/understood i don’t need to be comprehensive, correct / valid forever no need to fit into any template, mine or others out of the vast “catalogue” out there. you have my full permission to sleep, eat, read, listen…

I miss writing and publishing

haha seems like I’m starting blogging again… just published http://proses.id/unhurried-conversations/ taking it slow writing really does recharge me. I’ve forgotten how healing it is. I mean proper writing. not just jotting things down (which I still do everyday, to empty my head, and just adds to backlog of unprocessed drafts). why not just tweet these…