Unreasonable breakthroughs

Lately I’ve been revisiting this idea that reason is not the best path to breakthroughs. The core argument is that: we arrive at breakthroughs through intuition and imagination, and then we find our way to a proof or an artifact of that innovation through logic and reasoning. Aha-moments are intuited rather than arrived at procedurally.…

How to get people to do things together? Building and doing things in real world.

Been thinking and reading (again) about the real challenges with trying to solve problems in a group. Thanks to these two tweets, which I stumbled upon, two days apart. https://twitter.com/mscccc/status/1430986038252654600 https://twitter.com/seanjtaylor/status/1430369389602217994 Rabbit hole, here I go. They say if you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together. My…