Unreasonable breakthroughs

Lately I’ve been revisiting this idea that reason is not the best path to breakthroughs. The core argument is that: we arrive at breakthroughs through intuition and imagination, and then we find our way to a proof or an artifact of that innovation through logic and reasoning. Aha-moments are intuited rather than arrived at procedurally.…

How to get people to do things together? Building and doing things in real world.

Been thinking and reading (again) about the real challenges with trying to solve problems in a group. Thanks to these two tweets, which I stumbled upon, two days apart. https://twitter.com/mscccc/status/1430986038252654600 https://twitter.com/seanjtaylor/status/1430369389602217994 Rabbit hole, here I go. They say if you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together. My…

Revenue Targets Are Arbitrary and Absurd

Money is numbers and numbers never end. If it takes money to be happy, your search for happiness will never end. – Bob Marley You know that feeling when you repeat a word so many times it became absurd and seemingly lost its meaning? Apparently it’s called Semantic Satiation. I recently observed something similar at…

Lagging and leading indicators

They say what gets measured gets managed and you can’t improve what you don’t measure. Because business is all about setting targets, creating projections, pulling some bigger imaginary numbers out of thin air for everyone to chase, just because…. why not? We will inevitably run into metrics, KPIs, OKRs, and all the sexy abbreviations. Then…

Hidden Work

Hiring is a critical expensive problem every organisation must face. In an ideal world every organisations would prioritise people, hiring, and management. But we know the world is a messy place and there are trade offs to everything.

Business: described simply

What are first principles of business? Business A system that is built to solve a problem. Solving the problem creates value for the customer. The solution can come in the form of products and/or services. The goal of the system is to be able to produce the solution in a cost efficient and sustainable way.…

Gathering Komunitas Mitrabisnis – Pisang Goreng Madu Bu Nanik

Gathering Komunitas Mitrabisnis — Pisang Goreng Madu Bu Nanik Mau sharing pengalaman kemarin ikutan kopdar komunitas Mitra Bisnis di Pluit Junction. Sudah beberapa bulan saya mengetahui dan mengikuti komunitas ini di Instagram. Komunitas ini diprakarsai oleh Pak Anthonius Thedy (TX Travel) dan Candri, founder app Gratiser. Mungkin kalau sering dengar Pas FM, nah Pak Anton ini rutin siaran…