Stuff I learned about life so far

Stuff I learned about life so far. Yet another dump of it, off the top of my head. we tell ourselves stories, all. the. time. things take time they take nothing is wasted we adapt, and need novelty. we’ll create problems just for the sake of movements most things are noise. can ignore for a…

36 soon

I’ll be 36 in 4 months. I think I did well. I did fairly decent job at this thing called life. I didn’t cause any harm to my loved ones’ lives. physically, mentally, emotionally I think I have taken good care of these of those I love and care for. I had some glory, nice…


if you want to share knowledge then just share don’t obsess over monetizing it eventually. just do it because it’s fun you get to learn, you get to share, you get to ramble on the internet aren’t those your endgames? writing, sharing, for fun. about data, about business, about self help, about mental health, about…

Be a better human, not a better computer.

I think AI being so good they can do the production-line type of work for us is a GOOD thing. It frees us up to be human instead of training ourselves to be better at things that computers are good at: storage, retrieval, sequencing, logic, rule-based inference. What makes human, human? How can we be…

Why dying is the way to live wisely

One of the things I’m struggling most with is this concept of legacy. I’m a planner. Before this diagnosis I’d been thinking of my 1st 35 years — aside from being a ton of fun and travel — as preparation. I felt like I was building a platform (savings, networks, skills, experience) that I could then use in my…