When We Read

been thinking about this guy’s comment about how reading is actually the activity where you are reminded about something you’d already thought about. it’s very rare that we learn something new. hmm…. what he said felt true when I read it on Thursday, but now there are bits in it that I disagree with, but…

Stuff I learned about life so far

Stuff I learned about life so far. Yet another dump of it, off the top of my head. we tell ourselves stories, all. the. time. things take time they take nothing is wasted we adapt, and need novelty. we’ll create problems just for the sake of movements most things are noise. can ignore for a…

Post sabbatical quick reflection

3 full weeks back at work. 15 work days. lost all trace of the natural pace I managed to slowly ease back into. the unhurried life. the unpunctuated life. the life without expectations. poof. the mental bugs are still solved and mental refactors are still holding up. the perspective and energy are still there. haven’t…

Sensory refeeds

Why does digital detox work? The simple explanation is “because social media is bad”. Let’s unpack that. My current take is that digital detox works because (and if) unplugging forced us to 1) engage our other senses and 2) calibrate our perception against reality. Both are somewhat obvious points but let me use this post…

36 soon

I’ll be 36 in 4 months. I think I did well. I did fairly decent job at this thing called life. I didn’t cause any harm to my loved ones’ lives. physically, mentally, emotionally I think I have taken good care of these of those I love and care for. I had some glory, nice…

13 years in Tech as a woman: Part 4

Hey my friend! As you know, I am currently sharing my thoughts, observations, and experience as a woman who chose to have career in the Tech industry. Here’s part four, the last part! I have a dream The most common question you get asked being a woman in tech is “what’s your vision for this…


if you want to share knowledge then just share don’t obsess over monetizing it eventually. just do it because it’s fun you get to learn, you get to share, you get to ramble on the internet aren’t those your endgames? writing, sharing, for fun. about data, about business, about self help, about mental health, about…

Snooze reflex

Exhausted and overwhelmed. Why do I keep on snoozing on life? Why am I rushing all the time? I want to spend more time on the things I enjoy doing and stay with one activity longer. I want to be able to just go in deep without constraints of schedule — when I should eat,…

Three things I’m practicing

Three things I am practicing right now: Slowing down. Sit with something longer — joy or sorrow, easy or hard. Why am I rushing all the time? Live slower. Eat, walk, be present, chill. Savour the comfortable and be curious about what made me uncomfortable. Do things worth doing, well. Do more deep work. Practice…

13 years in Tech as a woman: Part 3

Hey my friend! As you know, I am currently sharing my thoughts, observations, and experience as a woman who chose to have career in the Tech industry. Here’s part three. So what do I need to do? One career tips I’m learning to get better at as a woman (applicable not only in Tech): learn…