What’s your dream job?

I saw a poll on YouTube yesterday, can’t remember from which channel. asking “Whats your dream job?”. The options were standard and uncreative, I think they were “influencers, doctor, tech, office worker, other”. I did find the replies somewhat wholesome and makes the people-watcher in me go “oh I love humans”. Human are cute and…


The past year or so, I see this term “childfree” gaining traction in the media (local Indonesia, regional, and international) and the collective consciousness (OK, I mean “people and conversations”). Which made my brain notice more and more things related to it. I’ll share a couple of examples of things I’ve been noticing, watching, reading,…

What does being rich means to you?

Read this yesterday https://www.collaborativefund.com/blog/the-highest-forms-of-wealth/ Controlling your time and the ability to wake up and say, “I can do whatever I want today.” When money becomes like oxygen: so abundant relative to your needs that you don’t have to think about it despite it being a critical part of your life. A career that allows for…

Invisible mess

First let me share 4 links and 1 story. Was reading this interview with Aly Raisman. https://www.newyorker.com/culture/the-new-yorker-interview/aly-raisman-still-wants-answers Q: We’ve seen so many turnovers in leadership. Is it possible for USA Gymnastics to change, or will reforming the culture of the sport require a much broader overhaul of the governing body? A: When I think about…

Would you do it to your kid?

Still felt tired after napping for extra 2 hours on top of the 4.5 hours of sleep last night. Debated if I should let myself sleep more right now (only 7pm) and not worry about writing or feel guilty of not being more productive. Reason is I’ve spent 4h and 16m fiddlin with my phone…

Belum divaksin != anti vaksin

Belum divaksin != anti vaksin

Abis baca https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2021/07/unvaccinated-different-anti-vax/619523/ Intinya: orang yang belum divaksinasi itu bukan berarti orang itu anti vaksinasi. Satu2nya yang serupa antara kedua “kelompok” itu adalah mereka lebih rentan kena efek yang lebih parah kalau terpapar covid. Di artikel The Atlantic ini, Ed Yong sang jurnalis, mewawancarai dokter anak dan advokat kesehatan publik di SF yang gigih bergerilya…


Was reading this… https://erikbern.com/…/07/the-data-team-a-short-story.html   Immediately thought of this brilliance I saw earlier today…. https://www.instagram.com/p/CRHpXixn0Lp/ Oh internet. I love you sometimes.

we’re just tired

it gets better I’ve heard that phrase used a lot in the context of encouraging people struggling with depression and suicidal thoughts, IIRC especially popular in LGBTQ circles. only recently that phrase resonated with me. I interpreted / realised another angle to it as I find myself at a stage in my life where I…