I use social media to 1) people watch, 2) maintain some relevance, and 3) share things that made my day better and things I find interesting. I am fascinated by your lives and how the world runs. I either watch (& interrogate you :p), or to know that you appreciate the stuff i share here,…
Author: tre
yay it works, all set up. am editing this with Obsidian on Boox, the md file was generated via markpress, all version-controlled. OK I can either edit this in Markor or switch to Obsidian, select the newly created file from the vault and edit. there’s no way to immediately open an arbitrary md file. Obsidian…
Making money is easy. The world is large, many people, many problems, many possible solutions. What’s difficult is making money in a way you think is acceptable, involving skill and level of effort you’re happy to give, with all other strange biases and the way you are wired for. We overcomplicate things. Jobs are just…
https://www.fastcompany.com/40572973/email-yes-email-is-the-next-great-media-platform of course email will never die. it’s still the main way for people to register for an account. it’s THE identity. everyone connected to the internet has an email sure there are problems with spam, cluttered and unorganised inboxes, but it is the direct channel to people’s attention. untampered by algorithms. one-on-one relationship. I…
the shifts and cycle have been fascinating in the past 20 years…. search x curation public web x private web search engines x aggregators independent island x content platforms paywalls, free content hobby niche sites x hustle branding presence for viewership x self expression x autotelic (all valid and understandable. different games) wordpress is still…
https://youtu.be/mwnHk6xThGo The most important relationship that I have in my life is a dialog that I launched 20 years ago between me and Love, capital L, Love. That I have continued nearly everyday of my life, over the last 20 years. And it came in the deepest depression where, I was in that deep, God-sized…
i don’t need to be brief. i don’t need to be coherent. i dont need to be heard/read/understood i don’t need to be comprehensive, correct / valid forever no need to fit into any template, mine or others out of the vast “catalogue” out there. you have my full permission to sleep, eat, read, listen…
Constipated (mentally). Blocked, guilt gnawing, as if I owe the world a blog post about my new life, some life update, whatever. and here I am running in circle, festering about what to post, where to start, what to post, where to post it to, in what form, to which platform. like WTF. so here…
Salah satu konsep berguna yg gw sadari sekarang adalah bahwa istirahat itu ada dua aspek: aktif dan pasif. Sedangkan gw hanya terbiasa melakukan segala2nya secara aktif. Try harder, do more, be better. Ternyata istirahat / “healing” / refreshing itu nggak selalu bisa “didapatkan”, dipercepat, diakali / di-hack. Kadang istirahat itu lebih cocok diundang, dipersilakan masuk,…
You need purpose. If you can’t find purpose, you pursue happiness. If you can’t find happiness, you pursue pleasure. Find purpose, you get all three. It’s more mentally draining to be purposeless than to be challenged every day by difficult goals that 1) you believe in (no matter how silly it really is, know you’re…