Revenue Targets Are Arbitrary and Absurd

Money is numbers and numbers never end. If it takes money to be happy, your search for happiness will never end. – Bob Marley You know that feeling when you repeat a word so many times it became absurd and seemingly lost its meaning? Apparently it’s called Semantic Satiation. I recently observed something similar at…

Should I Quit My Job?

Background: The past three years or so I’ve talked myself out of quitting my job four times, managed two episodes of burnout, been in constant battle with the Resistance while taming a growing pressure to replace my main stream of income with “diversifed income streams”. This is my latest attempt at clarifying my thoughts (i.e.…

Extending the hibernation

why do I still feel tired, no bandwidth and motivation to do stuff? but still able to “go pro”, show up, and do my day job — killing it as well. but I’m just left with no energy or interest to do the other non-work stuff like writing and side hustles. even family tim, and…

This is temporary. Keep Walking

was in a weird headspace and feeling lethargic. like being mentally and physically constipated and bloated and overall scattered. took some time off social media. still checking in every once in a while, but not in a very active manner. mentally one mindset I want to remember to hold more: This is temporary the restlesness,…

My Hypothesis Feed

Next Generation Web Services: Flickr (by Jeremy Zawodny) Flickr has been on my radar for a while now, but I only recently began to start playing with it. I’m impressed as hell. After my first 10 minutes of playing with it, I found myself thinking “why don’t we build stuff like this at Yahoo?” In…

How to set good (useful) goals

How to set yourself up for success by playing with the way you frame goals Example #1 Goal version 1: do 30 mins of cardio session, then take a cold shower. X Not so fun. Goal version 2: heat my body up enough to be able to enjoy the cold shower. √ Motivated and enjoyed…


Let’s talk about screenshots. Screenshots are Zapier for the masses. The most reliable and versatile tool to capture and share. Works across all apps, platforms, and devices. Want to share something from WhatsApp to Telegram? Facebook to Twitter? Instagram to WhatsApp? Screenshot Want to remember to continue watching that video later? Screenshot with the timestamp…