“Just in Time” vs “Just in Case”

One lens I’ve found myself toying with over the past few months is “Just in Time” vs “Just in Case”. Been wanting to share but I haven’t found a good angle or entrypoint to illustrate what this lens is all about and how is it relevant to you. But I’ll try and start somewhere. Let’s…

Work Smart and Level Up #2 – About You

You will find this publication most useful if you are at that point in your career where you’re asking yourself “what’s next?”. Usually this means you are 2-3 years into your career in Tech. You have gained enough hard skills, technical know-hows, and confidence to perform your role steadily. You know what you’re doing and…

Three ways to learn

There are three ways to learn: knowing something, doing something, and becoming something. I know it sounds vague and philosophical. But here it is illustrated better. (Source: https://oneslide.org/2020/04/19/three-ways-of-learning/) Another way of framing this is: First, you conceptualise. You find out what something is. Then, you contextualise. You engage with it more, trying to see how…

Annual Me-Time: A Reset

Conscious I haven’t published anything proper for almost 45 days(?). So, a couple of life updates. I’ve been hermitting in my apartment for the past 3 weeks from late September. It’s only an hour drive away from my house and I feel kinda bad for not wanting to go back home just yet, still enjoying…

Getting out of a rut: break a pattern.

Had a mini epiphany the other day https://twitter.com/theresiatanzil/status/1298637176691757062 If you’re stuck in a rut, what should you do? Break the pattern. How do you break the pattern? Just do something different than what you’d usually do. Think something different than what you’d usually think. Be someone different than you usually are. Conclusion after first day…

The Sky and The Cloud

Habits and experiences in my life are the cloud and I’m the sky. It’s fun to be able to slowly observe the differences. Workout habit, eating habit, working hours, sleeping schedule, journaling habit, time tracking habit, music, reading, family time, the staycations and roaming about, the travel bug. All of those are clouds. They come…

Work or Play

You know this is true: the fastest way to hate / get sick of / change your perception of a song: use it as your ringtone / hear it being used in an ad. Let me now pose another platitude I’m sure you’ve heard before: Find a job you enjoy doing, and you will never…