We Like Being Gaslit

Was reading and highlighting this article here and felt like I disagreed. Nope, just like all my sabbaticals…. I gained clarity and perspective for 3 days. And bam, all back. Just like my burnouts, all 4 of them. Right back on it in 3–4 years. Yes we will ride some momentums, make some improvements, and…

A Response to “Will Coronavirus (Really) Change the World?”

Just read this earlier: https://eand.co/will-coronavirus-really-change-the-world-77d16e860996 There’s a topic that’s become fashionable amongst intellectuals these days. How will Coronavirus change the world? Do you see the work we really have to do now? We have to reverse centuries — and I mean centuries — of colonialism, capitalism, supremacy, patriarchy. Around the world. And there is no…

Why getting ideas out of your head is hard, and how to make it easier

Note: I think all these mostly applies to non-fiction, long-form, semi technical writing. To-do: put more concrete examples to make this piece less abstract as a whole. internal landfill different people work differently. Cal Fussman doesn’t need to break down his writing process into concepts https://www.writingroutines.com/cal-fussman/ Getting ideas out of your head is hard There…

Should I be a Generalist or Specialist?

Is it better to be a generalist or a specialist? I started thinking about this question after seeing Dave Epstein’s new book, Range, mentioned many times in the past week within the productivity and intellectual corner of Twitterverse. The book is making a case for generalists (“people with range”) in this era of specialists. I…

How to write well

I am not going to lay any other argument for why writing well is one of the most valuable life skill anyone can develop. Many has done so. I can just say that being able to write well is the single biggest factor that has given me the most edge in my role as a knowledge worker in a…

“x year sucked, next year will be better”

[caption id="attachment_165" align="alignnone" width="758"] “ready for next year”[/caption] Saw this tweet the other day. Somehow it stuck with me and I started thinking about it randomly in the shower. Thought it’d be interesting to list some of the things that popped into my mind: Selection bias. Obviously this Twitter account configured the search to look…

Web automation untuk keseharian: edisi toko

I just love web automation. “ter, tolong bikin laporan harian ya” Whatsapp message dari nyokap mendadak masuk. Internet di toko sudah tewas selama dua hari. Alhasil kewajiban membuat laporan harian juga sudah dua hari mangkrak. Tahun 2016 lalu memang saya sempat bikin script Python untuk mengotomatisasi proses pembuatan laporan harian di toko. Waktu itu kebetulan…

Why dying is the way to live wisely

One of the things I’m struggling most with is this concept of legacy. I’m a planner. Before this diagnosis I’d been thinking of my 1st 35 years — aside from being a ton of fun and travel — as preparation. I felt like I was building a platform (savings, networks, skills, experience) that I could then use in my…

Bekerja secara remote

Bagaimana cara mendapatkan pekerjaan remote? Remote working. Mungkin kamu pernah dengar istilah ini dan bahkan sudah berandai-andai betapa indahnya hidup kalau bisa bekerja secara jarak jauh, cukup online saja. Tidak perlu bermacet-macet ria, menghabiskan banyak waktu di jalan, bisa tidur sampai siang, bisa bekerja kapanpun kamu mau, bisa menemani pacar, main sama anak, mengantarkan orang…