I Wish You

I wish you: the bliss of satisfying any earworm you have are surrounded by people who get your jokes have someone who says “me too!” at your confessions, and really listen get clarity over what your priorities are and own them with minimal second guessing have people who will call you out when you’re being…

Arguing with Reality

I caught myself arguing with reality the other day. I was annoyed that despite having slept for 12 hours in total the day before, and 8+ hours the night before, I still feel exhausted at 12pm. It doesn’t make sense. I thought I have bounced back from the food poisoning. I mean hey all symptoms…

Gunanya Bersyukur

dua minggu ini mendadak pencernaan gak gitu beres. 2-3 hari udah ilang semua gejalanya sih berkat Mixagrip separo dan 2x Norit tapi seminggu setelahnya jadi pingin tidur melulu. sampe merasa bersalah ih kebo banget gw…. tapi pas gw cek datanya, masih average 8 jam-an per hari, jadi gpp lah gw jabanin aja lewat seminggu udah…

Anxiety around having thoughts

As a knowledge worker, I find that whenever I find myself getting anxious or worried, the causes will fall into one of these categories: uncaptured (fear of dropping the ball, letting anything slip through the cracks) unprocessed (unchallenged, just mental chatter, reinstating personal narrative, reinforcing sense of identity, telling myself what I already believe) unorganised…

Lebih suka ngobrol berdua atau ramai-ramai?

Satu hal yang saya amati: saya lebih nyaman dalam komunikasi empat mata dibanding percakapan dengan jumlah peserta yang lebih dari dua. Entah kenapa saya merasa apa yang saya ingin katakan lebih “nyampe”. Ini terjadi di konteks profesional maupun pertemanan. Saya lebih luwes ketika ngobrol berdua dibanding bahkan tiga orang pun. Sebuah presentasi bisa belepotan kalau…

Brick by Boring Brick

So. I’ve been constipated, metaphorically. Haven’t been publishing anything for the past….. 6 months? And it has been causing low-key stress and anxiety, gnawing away. I want to get things out there. I want to ship. It’s not that I haven’t been writing or researching or thinking about anything. It’s just that I haven’t published…

Learning log – 20190813

Spent 3 hours reading a couple of books, revisiting clipped notes on Evernotes, and going through the book summaries here. Written some notes, Just going to dump them below. Couple of themes: Eisenhower’s “plan vs planning” remember what General Eisenhower advised us: the planning is far more important than the plan. (https://sandymaguire.me/books/hunt-andy-pragmatic-thinking-and-learning.html) “In preparing for…

Don’t worry about work

(disclaimer: only relevant for anxious overachievers) the stakes are often not that high as you made up in your mind. all the urgent tickets. the projects, complicated, detailed architecting, estimation, request record feasibility checks, comprehensive SOWs. urgent PoCs. sample data bug, getting stuck on a flow, don’t know how to proceed the tasks the fires…


Does responsibility come from response-ability ? Haven’t checked the etymology but I like the idea. It shifts the sentiment of the word from a burden / being expected to do something / powerless, to control / being able to choose your actions and how to response / powerful. Quite a useful reframe. OK, all words…

Ask, ask, ask

Started asking myself these questions more and more lately: how many things can I get if I just ask? how many miscommunication can I avoid by asking? how many problems can I solve more easily if I just ask for help? what questions am I avoiding asking? what wants am I avoiding sharing? what needs…