Saya bergidik ketika ada orang yang mengatakan saya menginspirasi mereka.

Kemarin mendadak saya ingin berbagi sudut pandang saya yang hidup dengan disabilitas. Pemicunya adalah saya dikirimi buku auto biografi dari Pak Budi Seputro, pemilik rumah makan Sate Ratu di Jogja. Dalam satu bagian kecil dalam bukunya, beliau menceritakan pengalamannya ngobrol dengan tamu-tamunya, salah satunya saya. Beliau mengaku terkesan dengan semangat saya dan bagaimana saya terlihat…

Galau Imajiner

21 Agustus — 16:00 — akhirnya sampai rumah kembali setelah lunch meeting dengan bu maya dan pak vincent. sudah cukup lama tidak mengambil sidejob di luar kantor. tapi ini referensi dari Leigh. perusahaan besar. iman pun goyah memikirkan prospek ke depannya untuk jenis kerjasama lainnya. 2 jam lagi meeting dengan tim kantor fulltime. mules dan…

Oops I Did It Again: How Burnout Hit Me One More Time

March 1st 2019: Gave an internal company-wide talk titled “Stay Sane While Working Remotely”. Talked about mental health awareness, tactics, best practices, encouraged conversation, and let people know it’s ok to ask for help. March 11th 2019: Hit a low week, all drained of mental energy. Kept it to myself, postponed asking for help for…


Ikutan workshop storytelling. Day 1: Writing exercise. Topiknya diundi gitu ala arisan. We are supposed to write something, 1–2 paragraphs about the topic. Pemanasan untuk sesi proper esok hari. Gw ambil gulungan kertasnya. Tulisannya “failure”. This is what I returned. Kegagalan. Gw pernah gagal apa ya? Kok ngeblank. Masa gak ingat pernah gagal apa aja?…

Is this it?

What do you want? Do you know how to get there? Do you know what being wealthy means to you? What makes you feel alive? Freedom to and freedom from. Freedom to own your time. Freedom from expectations. Some degree of control and power over your circumstances. Spend an evening with your friends, not worrying…

Gathering Komunitas Mitrabisnis – Pisang Goreng Madu Bu Nanik

Gathering Komunitas Mitrabisnis — Pisang Goreng Madu Bu Nanik Mau sharing pengalaman kemarin ikutan kopdar komunitas Mitra Bisnis di Pluit Junction. Sudah beberapa bulan saya mengetahui dan mengikuti komunitas ini di Instagram. Komunitas ini diprakarsai oleh Pak Anthonius Thedy (TX Travel) dan Candri, founder app Gratiser. Mungkin kalau sering dengar Pas FM, nah Pak Anton ini rutin siaran…


I am part of a community called Introvert Network Asia (Indonesia chapter) and recently was asked to do a talk in one of the get-together. I think this is quite a heck lot of information to deliver and absorb without any text to go back to, so I decided to publish the outline here. When the…

“x year sucked, next year will be better”

[caption id="attachment_165" align="alignnone" width="758"] “ready for next year”[/caption] Saw this tweet the other day. Somehow it stuck with me and I started thinking about it randomly in the shower. Thought it’d be interesting to list some of the things that popped into my mind: Selection bias. Obviously this Twitter account configured the search to look…