Brick by Boring Brick

So. I’ve been constipated, metaphorically. Haven’t been publishing anything for the past….. 6 months? And it has been causing low-key stress and anxiety, gnawing away. I want to get things out there. I want to ship. It’s not that I haven’t been writing or researching or thinking about anything. It’s just that I haven’t published…

Markdown Reference!

MacDown Hello there! I’m MacDown, the open source Markdown editor for OS X. Let me introduce myself. Markdown and I Markdown is a plain text formatting syntax created by John Gruber, aiming to provide a easy-to-read and feasible markup. The original Markdown syntax specification can be found here. MacDown is created as a simple-to-use editor…

How to write well

I am not going to lay any other argument for why writing well is one of the most valuable life skill anyone can develop. Many has done so. I can just say that being able to write well is the single biggest factor that has given me the most edge in my role as a knowledge worker in a…

Cara membuat konten viral

Mau sharing aja tentang kerangka STEPPS ini. Bisa sebagai panduan dalam membuat konten atau branding yang viral atau populer secara sosial. Istilahnya panjat sosial / pansos ya hehehe. Setelah tau kerangka ini saya juga jadi punya lensa yang bisa dipakai untuk mengamati fenomena masyarakat apalagi di jejaring sosial. Video viral biasanya main di variabel Emotions…

How to go viral

Whether you’re a brand or a person, it feels great to be able to get your message across to as many people as possible. As a business, you reach more potential buyers or customers for your products and services. As a person, you feel recognised, validated, and a sense of belonging. People will argue that…

Galau Imajiner

21 Agustus — 16:00 — akhirnya sampai rumah kembali setelah lunch meeting dengan bu maya dan pak vincent. sudah cukup lama tidak mengambil sidejob di luar kantor. tapi ini referensi dari Leigh. perusahaan besar. iman pun goyah memikirkan prospek ke depannya untuk jenis kerjasama lainnya. 2 jam lagi meeting dengan tim kantor fulltime. mules dan…

663 days of journaling

I have been writing 750+ words per day for the past 663 days. Here are some things I learned: I think in text. I need to trap my thoughts in text. I cannot process my thoughts without seeing them as words. Initially I wrote and edit at the same time. I censored, restructured, rephrased and…

Articulation is an art

[embed][/embed] Last night I stumbled upon an article on Evernote that I clipped back in April. The original URL was I don’t remember ever clicking on original links for an Evernote clip, but somehow I did for this one. The link led to a 404 page. “That page no longer exists.” it says. I…