Make Silly Money

Making money is easy. The world is large, many people, many problems, many possible solutions. What’s difficult is making money in a way you think is acceptable, involving skill and level of effort you’re happy to give, with all other strange biases and the way you are wired for. We overcomplicate things. Jobs are just…

Email is still it of course email will never die. it’s still the main way for people to register for an account. it’s THE identity. everyone connected to the internet has an email sure there are problems with spam, cluttered and unorganised inboxes, but it is the direct channel to people’s attention. untampered by algorithms. one-on-one relationship. I…

yeah I like media

the shifts and cycle have been fascinating in the past 20 years…. search x curation public web x private web search engines x aggregators independent island x content platforms paywalls, free content hobby niche sites x hustle branding presence for viewership x self expression x autotelic (all valid and understandable. different games) wordpress is still…

Invisible mess

First let me share 4 links and 1 story. Was reading this interview with Aly Raisman. Q: We’ve seen so many turnovers in leadership. Is it possible for USA Gymnastics to change, or will reforming the culture of the sport require a much broader overhaul of the governing body? A: When I think about…

Getting out of a rut: break a pattern.

Had a mini epiphany the other day If you’re stuck in a rut, what should you do? Break the pattern. How do you break the pattern? Just do something different than what you’d usually do. Think something different than what you’d usually think. Be someone different than you usually are. Conclusion after first day…

The Sky and The Cloud

Habits and experiences in my life are the cloud and I’m the sky. It’s fun to be able to slowly observe the differences. Workout habit, eating habit, working hours, sleeping schedule, journaling habit, time tracking habit, music, reading, family time, the staycations and roaming about, the travel bug. All of those are clouds. They come…

Orang Indonesia lebih suka teh atau kopi?

Sekarang trend coffee shop menjamur di kota-kota besar. Kopi susu juga kekinian banget. Tapi realitanya di lapangan masih lebih banyak orang yang suka teh. Meski bukan teh yg proper gimana juga, teh celup biasa. Teh yang gelap gitu. ini pengamatan di bengkel motor orang tua saya. Sebagai fasilitas pengunjung, setahun belakangan ini selain teh botol…

Stuff I am still wondering about

Spanduk harga2 promo mingguan yg di Alfa, Indo, Carrefour, dll itu mereka nyetak sendiri atau gmn. How many of my desires are actually strategies and proxy for wanting to hit a pause button on the constant stream of demand and responsibilities in le adult life. How do you know when you are thinking vs when…