I thought I have cracked the code to having a good day. I’ve been tracking my time and activities on spreadsheets since Dec 2018. I know the hours I sleep, the things I eat, my mental clarity, my physical fitness, what I consumed that day, what I produced aka achieved that day (non work related),…
Author: tre
Welcome to the fifth part of Practical Phrases and Scripts for Non-Native English Speakers Working in Tech. This time I will share with you a framework and checklist you can use to write effective business emails. Grab attention, get the action or information you need, and do it swiftly — saving your and other people’s…
What are you learning right now? Top of my list right now is: getting better at asking for help. I’ve personally been struggling with this forever. Asking for help are about communicating your needs — first to yourself and then to others. Many people seems to struggle with asking for help and I think there…
When your one paragraph spawns seven heads Something to remember whenever you feel overwhelmed with the snowballing ideas: Nothing we write will ever be definitive. When you’re covering a topic, you have to bite off the part you have time to chew. You’ll always leave something unsaid. Don’t ever believe you are going to write…
Perfect communication is HARD. We can only make it less bad. We can communicate better by fixing one bad practice at a time. In the first part of this series, we dissected the belly of modern communication and got to know the Pieces. Then in the second part, I looked at how they relate with…
Perfect communication is HARD. We can only make it less bad. We can communicate better by fixing one bad practice at a time. In the first part of this series, we dissected the belly of modern communication and got to know the Pieces. Then in the second part, I looked at how they relate with…
In the first part of this series, I tried to dissect the belly of modern communication and shared the Whats. Then in the second part, I looked at how they relate with each other and what Rules we can derive from them. Now let’s see what steps we can take to ensure we are communicating…
The last time we looked at building blocks of a communication: the Whats. Or you can think of them as the nodes, the Data Structures. This time let’s look at the mechanics, how they relate with each other, and see what Rules we can extract from them. To refresh our minds, here are the different…
God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference. — Reinhold Niebuhr, The Serenity Prayer I’d like to modify that into…. God, grant me the serenity to mute Slack notifications, courage to reject meetings I didn’t schedule, and wisdom…
One lens I’ve found myself toying with over the past few months is “Just in Time” vs “Just in Case”. Been wanting to share but I haven’t found a good angle or entrypoint to illustrate what this lens is all about and how is it relevant to you. But I’ll try and start somewhere. Let’s…