Extending the hibernation

why do I still feel tired, no bandwidth and motivation to do stuff? but still able to “go pro”, show up, and do my day job — killing it as well. but I’m just left with no energy or interest to do the other non-work stuff like writing and side hustles. even family tim, and…

This is temporary. Keep Walking

was in a weird headspace and feeling lethargic. like being mentally and physically constipated and bloated and overall scattered. took some time off social media. still checking in every once in a while, but not in a very active manner. mentally one mindset I want to remember to hold more: This is temporary the restlesness,…

My Hypothesis Feed

Next Generation Web Services: Flickr (by Jeremy Zawodny) Flickr has been on my radar for a while now, but I only recently began to start playing with it. I’m impressed as hell. After my first 10 minutes of playing with it, I found myself thinking “why don’t we build stuff like this at Yahoo?” In…

Exhausted [share]

Exhausted (25,000 dawns)

I remember Before Now. I used to get on planes and hop time zones and teach leadership programs and give speeches that made me vibrate with anxiety beforehand. I used to have a gruelling schedule, …

Love this post by Jennifer Garvey Berger

include the subconscious into the radar

if (you are very puzzled or frustrated why) you can’t (do / maintain something) and you’ve really tried, perhaps it’s your body not your mind that’s blocking it’s like no matter what you do or say or think you can’t override it, you keep on looping in the same cycle, despite catching yourself being very…

What is so wrong about striving for success?

Saw this tweet earlier https://twitter.com/simondlr/status/1007922223422767104 Hey… what is so wrong about striving for success? Pardon me for being a semantics geek. https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/success success (noun): * the achieving of the results wanted or hoped for * the achieving of desired results, or someone or something that achieves positive results So, “success” is just “desirable outcome”. Of…

Just the way things are

I now have 3 areas in my house set up quite well for productive / proper work! I used to only be able to work in my bedroom (been working remotely) but then gets boring and dangerous for risk of burnout. Now I can switch around between my bedroom, my brother’s old bedroom, and the…