[Book Summary] Made to Stick

Why messages don’t stick? The main problem is the “Curse of Knowledge”. The person sharing the idea has insider information that others don’t, so they have already framed the problem and understand its relevance. Six principles of stickiness: Simple. What’s your point? Say it. And shut up. Unexpected. Violate people’s expectations. Engage people’s curiosity over…

How I Learn and Two Ways of Thinking About Book Summaries

Update Nov 2020: I have since split this into two posts and developed them further http://proses.id/how-i-learn/ http://proses.id/book-summaries-useless-useful/ How I Learn Read non fiction books, take notes and summaries Watch videos, take notes and summaries Widens my radar, curating my consumption feed, join different communities, niches. Follow and interact with as many people people from diverse…

Hikmah Salah Jurusan (Cerita Anak IPS yang kejeblos ke IPA)

I just discovered “epistemology” is a thing XD awalnya liat https://twitter.com/RealtimeAI/status/1247316248049975297 lalu gw googling…. apa ini ya, sering denger… istilah gaje anak2 filosofi kayak “postmo” Epistemology: the theory of knowledge, especially with regard to its methods, validity, and scope. Epistemology is the investigation of what distinguishes justified belief from opinion. oh…. so what I’ve been…

The unknowns

People so sure of their own shit giving shit to other people who are also just holding onto their own shit when actually no one has a fucking clue whats gonna happen. we are so sure of things but really no one knows what we don’t see what we don’t know When you grow up…

Sok Tau

lucu jg sih karena hampir semua org pingin tau kira2 ke depannya bakal gimana, strategi apa yg mesti diambil, supaya bisa siap2, curi start, etc. tp saat yg bersamaan semua org sotoy merasa tau dan yakin yg ngebully setiap opini inget: itu opini. nggak ada yg tau semua “ahli” juga cuma bisa menerka mereka dan…

I don’t get the economy

April 6th – 10th 2020 this is an insanely naive view from someone who is still clueless about the economy despite having tried to understand it better by reading intermittently and cursorily about it for 3 years… but I’m a slow learner so stay with me while I think through this trying to make sense…

Why getting ideas out of your head is hard, and how to make it easier

Note: I think all these mostly applies to non-fiction, long-form, semi technical writing. To-do: put more concrete examples to make this piece less abstract as a whole. internal landfill different people work differently. Cal Fussman doesn’t need to break down his writing process into concepts https://www.writingroutines.com/cal-fussman/ Getting ideas out of your head is hard There…

Free Art Performances Available via Streaming During Quarantine

For theater geeks and performing arts enthusiasts, here are four reputable theatres offering free streaming of performances to keep you company during COVID-19 self quarantine. The Bolshoi Theatre The Bolshoi Theatre of Russia announced that for the first time in the history of the conference, many classic opera and ballet performances (called the “Golden Series”)…

We Deserve This Mess (COVID-19)

Started thinking about this https://twitter.com/DellAnnaLuca/status/1245943210003722243 If there’s a time machine for the world to go back 3 months earlier, 1) do you think we are in a position to have done things differently and 2) would we? I think “No” for #1. And because of that, I don’t think we would have done any differently.…