“Just in Time” vs “Just in Case”

One lens I’ve found myself toying with over the past few months is “Just in Time” vs “Just in Case”. Been wanting to share but I haven’t found a good angle or entrypoint to illustrate what this lens is all about and how is it relevant to you. But I’ll try and start somewhere. Let’s…

Three ways to learn

There are three ways to learn: knowing something, doing something, and becoming something. I know it sounds vague and philosophical. But here it is illustrated better. (Source: https://oneslide.org/2020/04/19/three-ways-of-learning/) Another way of framing this is: First, you conceptualise. You find out what something is. Then, you contextualise. You engage with it more, trying to see how…

How to have good conversations

I have seen a couple of tweets lately along the lines of “hey, we are bad listeners, and here’s how to get better”. The premise is that we generally have two intentions by the time we speak: Venting / just want to get things out of our chests Looking for advice And the argument is…

Should I be a Generalist or Specialist?

Is it better to be a generalist or a specialist? I started thinking about this question after seeing Dave Epstein’s new book, Range, mentioned many times in the past week within the productivity and intellectual corner of Twitterverse. The book is making a case for generalists (“people with range”) in this era of specialists. I…