Hi friends, welcome back. In the first two posts of this series, we have discussed pain, pleasure, then danger, and discomfort. Now let’s switch gear and talk about something more concrete: technology. My aim is that after this you will start seeing all the different addictech & anestechia around us, and find yourself more consciously…
Category: Health
Hi friends, welcome back. In the first part, we looked at the extent of painful and pleasurable sensations. We also split pain into two camps: danger and discomfort. Now, how do you know if you are in danger or are you “merely” uncomfortable? I’m in pain. Should I run or should I lean into it?…
A friend was telling me about how he is “bored” with life. He goes to work, maintains his open source project as a hobby, helps out with some local tech comunities, and passively scrolls on social media. He dreams of spending time at cafes, watching movies, relaxing, doing whatever he had in mind, having no…
At the risk of sounding socially inept and imperceptive, until very recently I’ve underestimated the magic and power of the act of 1) saying something out loud, 2) being witnessed, and 3) witnessing others in relationships. “If you put shame in a petri dish, it needs three ingredients to grow exponentially: secrecy, silence, and judgment.…
idk what it is about conversations that allow them to draw insight out of you with ease. Looking at prompts and exercises in workbooks, I don’t feel motivated to work on them. It’s different than if I imagined someone asking me those Qs. The latter feels more effortless and engaging. I guess this is what…
Hello friend, I’m reporting back 7 weeks into this mini retirement and I just want to say that I finally begun to feel more rested. I resigned mid May, interestingly one year since I published the “I can retire but I don’t” post. I survived the excruciating 2.5 months of extended notice period till the…
Salah satu konsep berguna yg gw sadari sekarang adalah bahwa istirahat itu ada dua aspek: aktif dan pasif. Sedangkan gw hanya terbiasa melakukan segala2nya secara aktif. Try harder, do more, be better. Ternyata istirahat / “healing” / refreshing itu nggak selalu bisa “didapatkan”, dipercepat, diakali / di-hack. Kadang istirahat itu lebih cocok diundang, dipersilakan masuk,…
woke up, set up the desk to do some journaling. feeling slightly lightheaded. wanted to listen to something but nothing too intense (my mp3 collection), or distracting (podcast). launched Spotify. Daily Mix 1, briefly saw it’s filled with artists whose names I’ve never heard of. curious what did I listen to recently that spawned this…
“You cannot perceive beauty but with a serene mind.” Thoreau This, basically, what I was talking about RE:any simple moment could be a joyful one if we’re in a healthy state of mind & physical capacity. Serene mind, calm heart, and healthy body can make any moment beautiful. Our perception is mainly guided and limited…
Let me try out one experiment: I’ll start sharing one thing, one reflection of what I learned / what happened at work today, repurposed for an external audience. This is a refinement of what I was thinking about this in this post http://proses.id/dreams-are-better-off-dreamt/ Full time employment at least forces me to focus on some area,…