Why dying is the way to live wisely

One of the things I’m struggling most with is this concept of legacy. I’m a planner. Before this diagnosis I’d been thinking of my 1st 35 years — aside from being a ton of fun and travel — as preparation. I felt like I was building a platform (savings, networks, skills, experience) that I could then use in my…

Bekerja secara remote

Bagaimana cara mendapatkan pekerjaan remote? Remote working. Mungkin kamu pernah dengar istilah ini dan bahkan sudah berandai-andai betapa indahnya hidup kalau bisa bekerja secara jarak jauh, cukup online saja. Tidak perlu bermacet-macet ria, menghabiskan banyak waktu di jalan, bisa tidur sampai siang, bisa bekerja kapanpun kamu mau, bisa menemani pacar, main sama anak, mengantarkan orang…

On Eating

Principles to simplify my decision making around eating. never eat when you are not hungry never eat when you are stressed never eat when you are bored never eat when you are anxious food != reward find other reward don’t eat whenever you are hungry protein > fat > carbs > sugar drink water, hydrate yourself…

I am being a donkey

I find myself drowning in responsibilities and ideas lately. A large portion of it is not caused by external force. Just deliberately and consciously overcommitting and being overambitious. I also notice that I am going in circles. Trying to move any atomic piece of different action plans for 5 projects does not pay off yet.…