Picking a post title with the help of LLM

While writing that previous post, I needed a title for it. Asked chat GPT: I want to create a title for a blog post the post will talk about the value of engaging with a material, how cognitive effort is the key to effective learning I want to contrast it against the idea of merely…

Why rubber ducking works. The value of externalization.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wI2g8V2uw3w&ab_channel=ElyseMyers Saw this video earlier. Immediately thought, “this is such a good example to use when I want to talk about externalisation”. Yes, externalisation is such a boring technical term. Conveniently, computer people calls it: “rubber ducking”. // leaving a meta-trace here to talk about an underrated magic that human has access to: creating a…

[Part 2] The YouTube script: youtube2llm.py

Hey, as promised, I’ll start introducing the different scripts in the Nootroscripts project. youtube2llm.py [TOC] Overview: analyse, embed, and ask anything about the content of a YouTube video. Feel free to skip to Example usages for a quick start and refer to the documentation-like sections later if you’re not an RTFM kind of person. Input…