I just discovered “epistemology” is a thing XD awalnya liat https://twitter.com/RealtimeAI/status/1247316248049975297 lalu gw googling…. apa ini ya, sering denger… istilah gaje anak2 filosofi kayak “postmo” Epistemology: the theory of knowledge, especially with regard to its methods, validity, and scope. Epistemology is the investigation of what distinguishes justified belief from opinion. oh…. so what I’ve been…
Tag: Why are we the way we are
Started thinking about this https://twitter.com/DellAnnaLuca/status/1245943210003722243 If there’s a time machine for the world to go back 3 months earlier, 1) do you think we are in a position to have done things differently and 2) would we? I think “No” for #1. And because of that, I don’t think we would have done any differently.…
Let me start by sharing two thoughts Many people do need to lose fat. But not everyone need to go on a diet. We can lose fat without dieting. Diets don’t work if we don’t address the underlying issue that caused the unhealthy relationship with food and exercise. This is the root issues that cause…
I find myself drowning in responsibilities and ideas lately. A large portion of it is not caused by external force. Just deliberately and consciously overcommitting and being overambitious. I also notice that I am going in circles. Trying to move any atomic piece of different action plans for 5 projects does not pay off yet.…