I’ll share one (probably) weird thing with you today. I have been keeping track of my time, down to the minutes since July. I use this app and have these categories set up for different activities: Exercise Meal Sleeping Consuming – NIANU Consuming – Book SH work Non SH work Grooming Journaling Family Social Music Break…
Nothing matters, really. All those deadlines. All those plans. Goals, wishes, worries, what ifs. Most of them don’t matter in the grand scheme of things. They keep on changing. Remember what you were obsessed about last year? Remember what was so important to you this time last month? All imaginary and fleeting. You are not…
[embed]http://giphy.com/gifs/rewriting-B0tXfhikbAHhC[/embed] Last night I stumbled upon an article on Evernote that I clipped back in April. The original URL was https://www.julian.com/blog/what-you-should-do-with-your-life I don’t remember ever clicking on original links for an Evernote clip, but somehow I did for this one. The link led to a 404 page. “That page no longer exists.” it says. I…
Whoa. I paused for what felt like 1 full second in the middle of my home-alone cardio session on the stairs and said out loud. I was listening to an interview with Annie Duke on The Knowledge Project where she told a story about trying to order food at a Chinese restaurant. Trying to explain…