My reading and thinking lately have been circling around this theme of emotional literacy and its adjacent topics Lately I’ve fallen into this rabbit hole. it started with one cluster, then I stumbled upon new ones and they grew somewhat interlinked Let me try to unravel them a bit here. Right now I don’t have…
Back in Sept 2020 (wow it’s been a while! just checked my note’s timestamp) I joined a group in Meetup called Unhurried Denver. What is it? It’s part of the Unhurried movement started by Johnnie Moore, a guy I came across when listening to On the Edge podcast. Quoting their section on Unhurried Conversations:…
Let me try out one experiment: I’ll start sharing one thing, one reflection of what I learned / what happened at work today, repurposed for an external audience. This is a refinement of what I was thinking about this in this post Full time employment at least forces me to focus on some area,…
Been reading Nancy Duarte’s book: Resonate. Quick reference for structuring your presentations: These four structures have contrast inherently built into them, and work for persuasive presentations: Problem-solution: Arrange information by stating the problem and then the solution. Establishing that there’s a problem helps convince people of the need for change. Compare-contrast: Arrange information according…