Sadar nggak teman-teman bahwa kita senantiasa berdansa dengan keterbatasan? Hampir semua yang kita lakukan sehari-hari itu sebenarnya adalah salah satu dari antara dua hal ini: Berusaha berdamai dengan keterbatasan kita. Berusaha mendobrak dan menggeser rentang keterbatasan kita. Menikmati makanan dan minuman enak, tapi kapasitas perut kita terbatas, kecepatan metabolisme kita terbatas, dan kapasitas keuangan kita…
Category: Technology
Hi friends, welcome back. In the first two posts of this series, we have discussed pain, pleasure, then danger, and discomfort. Now let’s switch gear and talk about something more concrete: technology. My aim is that after this you will start seeing all the different addictech & anestechia around us, and find yourself more consciously…
Hi friends, welcome back. In the first part, we looked at the extent of painful and pleasurable sensations. We also split pain into two camps: danger and discomfort. Now, how do you know if you are in danger or are you “merely” uncomfortable? I’m in pain. Should I run or should I lean into it?…
“AI has by now succeeded in doing essentially everything that requires ‘thinking’ but has failed to do most of what people and animals do ‘without thinking’.” – Donald Knuth Hey. Been a while since I published anything here, and my brain is getting constipated with stuff that will just get more tangled the longer I…
I use social media to 1) people watch, 2) maintain some relevance, and 3) share things that made my day better and things I find interesting. I am fascinated by your lives and how the world runs. I either watch (& interrogate you :p), or to know that you appreciate the stuff i share here,…
no need to finish. you’ll know when to stop no need to go linearly. you can skip around no need to read everything on the page before continuing when you’re stuck, try reading backwards from the last sentence up. don’t worry, it’s probably not you, some books are not written in an easily digestible way…
Rediscovered this video on my hard drive, realised I’ve never watched it. It’s been 10 months since I last played with sketchnoting. The part that interests me the most is about layouts (20 minutes in). Deciding where to start sketching and not knowing how large it will end up is the part where I…
Hey my friend! As you know, I am currently sharing my thoughts, observations, and experience as a woman who chose to have career in the Tech industry. Here’s part four, the last part! I have a dream The most common question you get asked being a woman in tech is “what’s your vision for this…
Hey my friend! As you know, I am currently sharing my thoughts, observations, and experience as a woman who chose to have career in the Tech industry. Here’s part three. So what do I need to do? One career tips I’m learning to get better at as a woman (applicable not only in Tech): learn…
Hey my friend! As you know, I am currently sharing my thoughts, observations, and experience as a woman who chose to have career in the Tech industry. Here’s part two. Mindset My favorite thing to say whenever I am asked about how to encourage more women to go into Tech is “Don’t be a woman…