5 Parallels Between the Mind and the Body

I have been thinking about “mental metabolism”. We read, hear, listen, think. We eat, we drink, we move. We consume too much, digest too little, and need to exercise more. What is true about feeding your body is almost directly applicable to the idea of feeding your mind. The process of building a healthy body…


Ikutan workshop storytelling. Day 1: Writing exercise. Topiknya diundi gitu ala arisan. We are supposed to write something, 1–2 paragraphs about the topic. Pemanasan untuk sesi proper esok hari. Gw ambil gulungan kertasnya. Tulisannya “failure”. This is what I returned. Kegagalan. Gw pernah gagal apa ya? Kok ngeblank. Masa gak ingat pernah gagal apa aja?…

Is this it?

What do you want? Do you know how to get there? Do you know what being wealthy means to you? What makes you feel alive? Freedom to and freedom from. Freedom to own your time. Freedom from expectations. Some degree of control and power over your circumstances. Spend an evening with your friends, not worrying…


I am part of a community called Introvert Network Asia (Indonesia chapter) and recently was asked to do a talk in one of the get-together. I think this is quite a heck lot of information to deliver and absorb without any text to go back to, so I decided to publish the outline here. When the…

Taming your monkey mind

I try and keep these thoughts in day to day moments. They help me break free from the mental traps and get back into the present moment. Before seeking external validation, ask yourself, “What do I hope that person tells me?” Then tell it to yourself. Iteration, not destination. Experience, not performance. How do I…

Suffer when it’s time to suffer

Suffer when it’s time to suffer. I created this phrase to calm me down whenever I get anxious, stressed, and worried about something. Because the only time you need to suffer is in the moment of action; not before, not after. You should suffer only during the action. When you are writing the code, when…