I feel lost and bored with life

A friend was telling me about how he is “bored” with life. He goes to work, maintains his open source project as a hobby, helps out with some local tech comunities, and passively scrolls on social media. He dreams of spending time at cafes, watching movies, relaxing, doing whatever he had in mind, having no…

our phones didn’t destroy our attention span

perhaps this “social media and smartphones have ruined our attention span” issue is really just FOMO on steroid and less an actual neurological change? do you actually have bad attention span or you are just tired, in a rush, and constantly in FOMO? so a combination of 1) a lack of mental bandwidth, 2) a…

Relationship between purpose, happiness, and pleasure

You need purpose. If you can’t find purpose, you pursue happiness. If you can’t find happiness, you pursue pleasure. Find purpose, you get all three. It’s more mentally draining to be purposeless than to be challenged every day by difficult goals that 1) you believe in (no matter how silly it really is, know you’re…

Welcoming and perceiving beauty

“You cannot perceive beauty but with a serene mind.” Thoreau This, basically, what I was talking about RE:any simple moment could be a joyful one if we’re in a healthy state of mind & physical capacity. Serene mind, calm heart, and healthy body can make any moment beautiful. Our perception is mainly guided and limited…


The past year or so, I see this term “childfree” gaining traction in the media (local Indonesia, regional, and international) and the collective consciousness (OK, I mean “people and conversations”). Which made my brain notice more and more things related to it. I’ll share a couple of examples of things I’ve been noticing, watching, reading,…

The Sky and The Cloud

Habits and experiences in my life are the cloud and I’m the sky. It’s fun to be able to slowly observe the differences. Workout habit, eating habit, working hours, sleeping schedule, journaling habit, time tracking habit, music, reading, family time, the staycations and roaming about, the travel bug. All of those are clouds. They come…

What is so wrong about striving for success?

Saw this tweet earlier https://twitter.com/simondlr/status/1007922223422767104 Hey… what is so wrong about striving for success? Pardon me for being a semantics geek. https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/success success (noun): * the achieving of the results wanted or hoped for * the achieving of desired results, or someone or something that achieves positive results So, “success” is just “desirable outcome”. Of…

Seek Pain, Amplify Pleasure

I have been holding one question: what makes a good life? One of the conclusion I had was: “seek pain, amplify pleasure”. The idea behind it is life is better when you optimise for range. Aim to get the high highs and low lows. You feel more alive by having as many days as possible…

How are you doing?

(September 2019 at Ladies View, Ring of Kerry, Ireland) Summary of points in this post: Life is great right now but I feel guilty for feeling content. Questioned the idea of comfort zone. Are we really ever comfortable? Disillusioned: apparently I don’t enjoy the things I thought I’d love to do. I don’t want to…