Talking Body: Part I: I Have an Eating Disorder

This is the first time I am going to talk about this publicly. I will split this into a series of post so it doesn’t read too long — addressing points about binge eating, obsession with exercise, obsession with food, recovering from amenorrhea, what I learned from the battle, and the magnitude of body image issue in society.

How to keep your life exciting

No one realizes how beautiful it is to travel until he comes home and rests his head on his old, familiar pillow. — Lin Yutang Lying on bed this morning, resisted reaching for my phone. Letting my mind wander instead. Started thinking. Waking up at home vs waking up when travelling. I don’t know about…


I am part of a community called Introvert Network Asia (Indonesia chapter) and recently was asked to do a talk in one of the get-together. I think this is quite a heck lot of information to deliver and absorb without any text to go back to, so I decided to publish the outline here. When the…

Suffer when it’s time to suffer

Suffer when it’s time to suffer. I created this phrase to calm me down whenever I get anxious, stressed, and worried about something. Because the only time you need to suffer is in the moment of action; not before, not after. You should suffer only during the action. When you are writing the code, when…

How are you?

How are you? It’s been a while since I asked myself that question. And the urge to ask that question usually comes up when things are not going so well. This time the question triggers a deep, somewhat relieving breath. As if I’m saying “Yes finally, the right question, thought you’d never ask.” Truth is:…

Your new normal

The hinges of my bathroom door have been loose for years. In order to close it you need to raise it a bit so it doesn’t grind against the floor. And we cannot lock it properly anymore because the board doesn’t fit into the door frame as my brother installed a new set of hinges…