Why Do We Hate Fat

Why do we hate fat? Why do we run around trying to lose fat? How much fat is OK? I realised I never challenged the idea of vilifying body fat. I see the obsession we have with losing weight and losing fat but I never consciously processed it. It’s just one of those “facts”. A…

Talking Body: Part I: I Have an Eating Disorder

This is the first time I am going to talk about this publicly. I will split this into a series of post so it doesn’t read too long — addressing points about binge eating, obsession with exercise, obsession with food, recovering from amenorrhea, what I learned from the battle, and the magnitude of body image issue in society.

How to keep your life exciting

No one realizes how beautiful it is to travel until he comes home and rests his head on his old, familiar pillow. — Lin Yutang Lying on bed this morning, resisted reaching for my phone. Letting my mind wander instead. Started thinking. Waking up at home vs waking up when travelling. I don’t know about…


I am part of a community called Introvert Network Asia (Indonesia chapter) and recently was asked to do a talk in one of the get-together. I think this is quite a heck lot of information to deliver and absorb without any text to go back to, so I decided to publish the outline here. When the…