Senses over lenses

How much of your day to day experiences and activities are related to being in front of screens? For me, it’s at least 14 hours. Especially since the pandemic. I sleep for average of 7.5 hours per day. I do knowledge work for average of 6.5 hours per day. The remainder of the time I…

Managing your psychology as an investor

I noticed an interesting parallel across a couple of recent experiences: dealing with the ups and downs that comes with the risk of making any investment decisions. Imagine four scenarios: you decided to hop onto the cryptocurrencies bandwagon when your investing app drops you a notification that there seems to be significant decrease on the…

Should I switch career? To what?

Five lines of questioning to get clearer on how to make some extra income doing what you enjoy doing (requiring honest, iterative, and messy answers!). This is not a guide to “make money doing what you love”, “follow your passion”, yadda yadda…. This is about exploring alternative when you find yourself drifting further apart, growing…

The past 6 months

punya bisnis kecil, nggak seindah itu. punya karyawan itu ribet. nanganin kasbon, menjaga loyalty, nggak bisa autopilot lepas tangan total, butuh maintenance. kecuali udah ngebangun tim. punya investasi terdiversifikasi, nggak seindah itu. banyak nyangkutnya. mesti long term, tapi juga ketar ketir hehehe punya ekposure / channel / pintu masuk ke banyak belahan dunia juga berasa…

How to Relax

remember to play. do offline activities. scribble. declutter. physically mentally socially. make a list. throw away, purge, move on, forgive. groom. shower, dye your hair, moisturise. connect with other human beings calibrate your baseline. own your expectations. lower the stakes. notice the abundance. be grateful. accept and expect change move (change environment and/or get blood…

Dancing with my perfectionism

Short version Iin summary – to reduce perfectionism: be curious of my MO get clarity in expectations pacify my ego be smart about my resource allocation build empathy: what does this person want / expect (and this includes mentally stepping into one of my “selves”, treat them as another person, hear them out) and most…

I’m a recovering rationalist.

I stopped seeking for truth. Now I only seek for usefulness. Till my early 20’s, I used to run my life around the belief of “everything happens for a reason”. An extended version is: everything is perfect as it is, everything I need to know will be shown to me, everything I need will be…

Welcoming and perceiving beauty

“You cannot perceive beauty but with a serene mind.” Thoreau This, basically, what I was talking about RE:any simple moment could be a joyful one if we’re in a healthy state of mind & physical capacity. Serene mind, calm heart, and healthy body can make any moment beautiful. Our perception is mainly guided and limited…

I miss writing and publishing

haha seems like I’m starting blogging again… just published taking it slow writing really does recharge me. I’ve forgotten how healing it is. I mean proper writing. not just jotting things down (which I still do everyday, to empty my head, and just adds to backlog of unprocessed drafts). why not just tweet these…

Thoughts lately (Dec 2020)

My reading and thinking lately have been circling around this theme of emotional literacy and its adjacent topics Lately I’ve fallen into this rabbit hole. it started with one cluster, then I stumbled upon new ones and they grew somewhat interlinked Let me try to unravel them a bit here. Right now I don’t have…