Waiting for God(b)ot

Story 1: Who plans better? You or LLM? I was watching this interview on Machine Learning Street Talk where Prof Subbarao Kambhapati argued that LLMs don’t have reasoning capability and therefore can’t generate a stylistically correct, reasonable, and executable plan. He shared an example of planning a trip to Vienna from India (transcript slightly rearranged…

Spicy sleight

Someone once shared a trick with me: if you’re not a great cook but want to sell food, your best bet is to make it spicy. Spiciness is often used as a trick to cover up culinary shortcomings. Let’s call this spicy sleight. Before we move on, it’s worth pointing out that this phenomenon is…

Empathy: a feature or a bug? Yes.

Last week I stumbled upon this post on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/p/C9QKQ9CqtRl/ For accessibility purpose, here’s the text in the image: soracities: – “the ‘humans are inherently selfish’ fanclub can genuinely and in all honesty go to hell. i once came back from a school yard where the kids had heaped piles of leaves and cut wildflowers…