Clear communication

Three tendencies that hurt brief and clear communication: overexplaining underpreparing lack of clarity of the point you’re trying to get across Sources Joe McCormack (Author of Brief: Make a Bigger Impact by Saying Less)

[book] The Proverb Effect – Notes

This is my personal book note / summary on Ron Ploof’s book: The Proverb Effect [1]. I first heard about the book after Tamsen Webster posted about it in her Instagram account[2]. It immediately caught my attention because I am semi-obsessed with the idea of articulation and improving my ability to communicate ideas in a succinct…

Stuffs and moments

life is about stuffs and moments collecting them. holding onto them. letting go of them. remembering, forgetting. hmmm manipulating stuff and moments by whom? ego. self. depending on who/what is perceiving the life. the desire to own, conquer, appreciate things that conjure the moments things that afford us the stuff stuff. moments. those are the…

663 days of journaling

I have been writing 750+ words per day for the past 663 days. Here are some things I learned: I think in text. I need to trap my thoughts in text. I cannot process my thoughts without seeing them as words. Initially I wrote and edit at the same time. I censored, restructured, rephrased and…

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