March 1st 2019: Gave an internal company-wide talk titled “Stay Sane While Working Remotely”. Talked about mental health awareness, tactics, best practices, encouraged conversation, and let people know it’s ok to ask for help. March 11th 2019: Hit a low week, all drained of mental energy. Kept it to myself, postponed asking for help for…
Ikutan workshop storytelling. Day 1: Writing exercise. Topiknya diundi gitu ala arisan. We are supposed to write something, 1–2 paragraphs about the topic. Pemanasan untuk sesi proper esok hari. Gw ambil gulungan kertasnya. Tulisannya “failure”. This is what I returned. Kegagalan. Gw pernah gagal apa ya? Kok ngeblank. Masa gak ingat pernah gagal apa aja?…
I spend an average of 22 hours per day alone. All while working full time at a job I absolutely enjoy. It’s an introvert’s wet dream, really. How? Well first of all I am working at a fully remote position. So I do everything online. I can work when and where I want to. When and…
The most standard, basic, and laziest answer to “what do you want in life” is “I want to be happy”. Arguably the question itself is a bad question. But anyway. So, you want to be happy. What does that even mean? Do you know? When we say we want to be happy, what we probably think: 1.…