Ask, ask, ask

Started asking myself these questions more and more lately: how many things can I get if I just ask? how many miscommunication can I avoid by asking? how many problems can I solve more easily if I just ask for help? what questions am I avoiding asking? what wants am I avoiding sharing? what needs…

How to keep your life exciting

No one realizes how beautiful it is to travel until he comes home and rests his head on his old, familiar pillow. — Lin Yutang Lying on bed this morning, resisted reaching for my phone. Letting my mind wander instead. Started thinking. Waking up at home vs waking up when travelling. I don’t know about…

How to have good conversations

I have seen a couple of tweets lately along the lines of “hey, we are bad listeners, and here’s how to get better”. The premise is that we generally have two intentions by the time we speak: Venting / just want to get things out of our chests Looking for advice And the argument is…

Life Cheatsheet

I can sum up the past three years of my life into three core themes: The world makes a lot more sense. Gaining a more complete description of reality. I’ve come to understand myself a lot better. Noticing and disarming the unconscious mechanisms preventing me from experiencing and seeing reality as it is. Life is…

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