Talking Body: Part IV: The Second Mindset Shift and Recovering From Amenorrhea

The second mindset shift happened the last week of February 2020. Thanks to my attempt to cut down the time I spend on Twitter and Instagram, during that time I started developing attachment to Youtube. Excellent isn’t it? I was facing a decision that relies on whether or not I want to get married and…

Talking Body: Part III: What Caused My Amenorrhea and The First Mindset Shift

I seeked out the cause of amenorrhea. How did this happen? What did I do wrong? undereating overexercising high stress All of which impacts the hormone, and when imbalance happens, your body tries to protect yourself. If it thinks you’re not safe, then it’s definitely not safe to grow a baby. To be fair, I…

Talking Body: Part II: Amenorrhea and Food Obsession

I noticed my period stopped around March or May 2017 but I decided to ignore it because it’s convenient. I need to travel for 2 months abroad so I will take care of it once I am back. All cool. I did start reading and researching about what caused it. Learned about the term for…

Talking Body: Part I: I Have an Eating Disorder

This is the first time I am going to talk about this publicly. I will split this into a series of post so it doesn’t read too long — addressing points about binge eating, obsession with exercise, obsession with food, recovering from amenorrhea, what I learned from the battle, and the magnitude of body image issue in society.

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