Being a real Pro: Part 1: Pros don’t play hurt.

A couple of days ago I found myself procrastinating. I kept on going back to my phone, compulsively scrolling through the stream of tweets and news about COVID-19. It was particularly frustrating because my mind was super clear that day. But instead of spending it productively. I squandered it just like that. I was able…

Being a real Pro: Part 2: What is “The Resistance” and Why We Can Overcome it By “Turning Pro”

Resistance is one of the most useful mental models I ever picked up. Steven Pressfield first coined this term in his book, The War of Art. “Every time you want to go from a lower level to a higher level — becoming an entrepreneur, get in better shape, meditate, be an artist — the…

Seek Pain, Amplify Pleasure

I have been holding one question: what makes a good life? One of the conclusion I had was: “seek pain, amplify pleasure”. The idea behind it is life is better when you optimise for range. Aim to get the high highs and low lows. You feel more alive by having as many days as possible…

Why Diets Don’t Work

Let me start by sharing two thoughts Many people do need to lose fat. But not everyone need to go on a diet. We can lose fat without dieting. Diets don’t work if we don’t address the underlying issue that caused the unhealthy relationship with food and exercise. This is the root issues that cause…

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