A Response to “Will Coronavirus (Really) Change the World?”

Just read this earlier: https://eand.co/will-coronavirus-really-change-the-world-77d16e860996 There’s a topic that’s become fashionable amongst intellectuals these days. How will Coronavirus change the world? Do you see the work we really have to do now? We have to reverse centuries — and I mean centuries — of colonialism, capitalism, supremacy, patriarchy. Around the world. And there is no…

[Book Summary] Made to Stick

Why messages don’t stick? The main problem is the “Curse of Knowledge”. The person sharing the idea has insider information that others don’t, so they have already framed the problem and understand its relevance. Six principles of stickiness: Simple. What’s your point? Say it. And shut up. Unexpected. Violate people’s expectations. Engage people’s curiosity over…

How I Learn and Two Ways of Thinking About Book Summaries

Update Nov 2020: I have since split this into two posts and developed them further http://proses.id/how-i-learn/ http://proses.id/book-summaries-useless-useful/ How I Learn Read non fiction books, take notes and summaries Watch videos, take notes and summaries Widens my radar, curating my consumption feed, join different communities, niches. Follow and interact with as many people people from diverse…

Free Art Performances Available via Streaming During Quarantine

For theater geeks and performing arts enthusiasts, here are four reputable theatres offering free streaming of performances to keep you company during COVID-19 self quarantine. The Bolshoi Theatre The Bolshoi Theatre of Russia announced that for the first time in the history of the conference, many classic opera and ballet performances (called the “Golden Series”)…

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