Managing Down: Sharing feedback and having difficult conversations

What comes into your mind by the time someone says “I’d like share some feedback with you”? Feedback gets so much negative connotation but we often forget that it can really mean both positive (appreciation) and negative (identification of issues). Phrases Hi Folks. X smashed a call with [client] outta the park today. Massive High…

Managing down – Scripts and mindset in delegating and asking for help.

People are hardwired to want to do things on their own and be independent-minded, Asking for help often makes people feel uneasy because it requires surrendering control to someone else. We don’t want to be ashamed of our situation, or come across as incompetent, so we work really hard to make sure people don’t see…

Managing up. Scripts and mindset to work well with your boss.

What does “managing up” mean? It means managing your manager. It means developing a healthy and productive relationship with your boss. When we talk about management, we usually refer to managing down. In reality, not everyone manages a team but everyone reports to someone. Even the CEO reports to customers and shareholders. This means managing…

Radical Listening

Stumbled upon the idea of “radical listening” on Twitter. It complements the Three Types of Listening I learned the other day, so I decided to share it here today. First, what is this “radical listening” thing? Dr. Jason Purnell, an esteemed community leader, professor, and researcher at Washington University, said this: “[Radical listening is…] listening…

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