Life Cheatsheet

I can sum up the past three years of my life into three core themes: The world makes a lot more sense. Gaining a more complete description of reality. I’ve come to understand myself a lot better. Noticing and disarming the unconscious mechanisms preventing me from experiencing and seeing reality as it is. Life is…

Saya bergidik ketika ada orang yang mengatakan saya menginspirasi mereka.

Kemarin mendadak saya ingin berbagi sudut pandang saya yang hidup dengan disabilitas. Pemicunya adalah saya dikirimi buku auto biografi dari Pak Budi Seputro, pemilik rumah makan Sate Ratu di Jogja. Dalam satu bagian kecil dalam bukunya, beliau menceritakan pengalamannya ngobrol dengan tamu-tamunya, salah satunya saya. Beliau mengaku terkesan dengan semangat saya dan bagaimana saya terlihat…

Oops I Did It Again: How Burnout Hit Me One More Time

March 1st 2019: Gave an internal company-wide talk titled “Stay Sane While Working Remotely”. Talked about mental health awareness, tactics, best practices, encouraged conversation, and let people know it’s ok to ask for help. March 11th 2019: Hit a low week, all drained of mental energy. Kept it to myself, postponed asking for help for…

663 days of journaling

I have been writing 750+ words per day for the past 663 days. Here are some things I learned: I think in text. I need to trap my thoughts in text. I cannot process my thoughts without seeing them as words. Initially I wrote and edit at the same time. I censored, restructured, rephrased and…

My experiment with time tracking

I’ll share one (probably) weird thing with you today. I have been keeping track of my time, down to the minutes since July. I use this app and have these categories set up for different activities: Exercise Meal Sleeping Consuming – NIANU Consuming – Book SH work Non SH work Grooming Journaling Family Social Music Break…

Your built-in software

Whoa. I paused for what felt like 1 full second in the middle of my home-alone cardio session on the stairs and said out loud. I was listening to an interview with Annie Duke on The Knowledge Project where she told a story about trying to order food at a Chinese restaurant. Trying to explain…

Stuff I am still wondering about

Spanduk harga2 promo mingguan yg di Alfa, Indo, Carrefour, dll itu mereka nyetak sendiri atau gmn. How many of my desires are actually strategies and proxy for wanting to hit a pause button on the constant stream of demand and responsibilities in le adult life. How do you know when you are thinking vs when…

Up to me

I do two types of physical training. Last month I realised that I approach them in a completely different way. With weights, I am satisfied with just doing it. I almost don’t track anything. I have no idea how many kgs and how many reps I managed to hit last time. I just try to…

How are you?

How are you? It’s been a while since I asked myself that question. And the urge to ask that question usually comes up when things are not going so well. This time the question triggers a deep, somewhat relieving breath. As if I’m saying “Yes finally, the right question, thought you’d never ask.” Truth is:…

Web automation untuk keseharian: edisi toko

I just love web automation. “ter, tolong bikin laporan harian ya” Whatsapp message dari nyokap mendadak masuk. Internet di toko sudah tewas selama dua hari. Alhasil kewajiban membuat laporan harian juga sudah dua hari mangkrak. Tahun 2016 lalu memang saya sempat bikin script Python untuk mengotomatisasi proses pembuatan laporan harian di toko. Waktu itu kebetulan…