Is reading the ultimate tool for mental sharpness? I stumbled upon this video of Karlina Supelli, an Indonesian philosopher, astronomer, and public intellectual, where she discussed the value of reading. In the video, she said that while films and social media provide visual and auditory stimulation, they do not typically require the same level of intellectual engagement or provoke a deep internal…

Short form vs long form

Again about the previous post: I think short form content has been unfairly demonised and long form overly romanticised A better way to think about this is: Long form helps you think / find out what you’re trying to say. Short form helps you get the points across. (This frame applies to both reading &…

text is a temporary lossy workaround

as an extremely text-biased person with an unjustifiable fetish of long-form text, it pains me to have to start to accept that text (hence writing and reading) is not the most effective method for information transfer. text might be the most efficient (storage and transmission wise) and relatively convenient (skimmable, indexable, tangible), but I am…