Create More, Consume Better Our ability to respond to the new and different is part of what makes us human. We’re interested in creating more of whatever is outside of that status quo. Generally, this interest serves us well. In an evolutionary context it has likely saved us from extinction several times. At this point in our warp-speed…

Book Summaries and Podcast Notes: Are they useful?

Every day we go faster. We have more information, more technological breakthroughs, global events and development. We want to keep up. We shove them up our heads as fast as we could. The more we know, the more we don’t know. We are innundated with books and podcasts. Book summary services are popping up everywhere.…

Three ways to learn

There are three ways to learn: knowing something, doing something, and becoming something. I know it sounds vague and philosophical. But here it is illustrated better. (Source: Another way of framing this is: First, you conceptualise. You find out what something is. Then, you contextualise. You engage with it more, trying to see how…

How I Learn and Two Ways of Thinking About Book Summaries

Update Nov 2020: I have since split this into two posts and developed them further How I Learn Read non fiction books, take notes and summaries Watch videos, take notes and summaries Widens my radar, curating my consumption feed, join different communities, niches. Follow and interact with as many people people from diverse…