Berdansa dengan keterbatasan

Sadar nggak teman-teman bahwa kita senantiasa berdansa dengan keterbatasan? Hampir semua yang kita lakukan sehari-hari itu sebenarnya adalah salah satu dari antara dua hal ini: Berusaha berdamai dengan keterbatasan kita. Berusaha mendobrak dan menggeser rentang keterbatasan kita. Menikmati makanan dan minuman enak, tapi kapasitas perut kita terbatas, kecepatan metabolisme kita terbatas, dan kapasitas keuangan kita…

Empathy: a feature or a bug? Yes.

Last week I stumbled upon this post on Instagram For accessibility purpose, here’s the text in the image: soracities: – “the ‘humans are inherently selfish’ fanclub can genuinely and in all honesty go to hell. i once came back from a school yard where the kids had heaped piles of leaves and cut wildflowers…

Religious impulse runs deep

In the previous post in this series, I explored the question is there no reason to believe in god? As I followed the thought, the second thing I realised more and more: the religious impulse runs deep and spirituality is innate. Ultimately humans have a deeply-seated urge to feel connected to something larger than ourselves.…