I just discovered “epistemology” is a thing XD
awalnya liat
Now is the time of epistemology.
— Matt Guttman (@RealtimeAI) April 7, 2020
lalu gw googling…. apa ini ya, sering denger… istilah gaje anak2 filosofi kayak “postmo”
Epistemology: the theory of knowledge, especially with regard to its methods, validity, and scope. Epistemology is the investigation of what distinguishes justified belief from opinion.
oh…. so what I’ve been into is called epistemology….?
all these times I’ve been tagging stuff I find interesting as “learning”, “thinking”, “meta”, “philosophy”. and not having the “actual” words.
and I guess this is a good thing. it keeps me grounded / stay relevant / coherent to other bottom up learners.
if I had started off with all the lingo, I would be disconnected in a way from certain group // avoided “the curse of knowledge”… which I’m sure I’m neck deep in, in the context of “IT” knowledge
what distinguishes justified belief from opinion
hmm. I think opinion is all we have.
belief = justified opinion, no? justified by whom? almost anything can be right or wrong depending on context
lalu nemu bbrp links
- https://www.philosophybasics.com/branch_epistemology.html
- good overview, but I don’t want to go too deep into each theories….
- Constructivism, Deconstructionism, Empiricism, Externalism, Fallibilism, Foundationalism, Historicism, Holism, Internalism, Instrumentalism, Logical Positivism (Logical Empiricism), Ordinary Language Philosophy, Phenomenalism, Positivism, Pragmatism, Rationalism, Representationalism, Scientism, Skepticism, Verificationism // screams in horror
- ain’t got time for that. will only make time for them when I got real-life use case to apply these to.
- skimmed it, all indexed, branches and trunks registered in my mind, can refer back later
- I appreciate and want to maintain my beginner’s eyes in this… it helps me discover stuff organically, deriving the notions on my own. Finding out the corresponding / equivalent real-world entities are like pleasant surprises, bonuses….
- good overview, but I don’t want to go too deep into each theories….
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Outline_of_epistemology
- oh dijelasin metode2 justifikasi. there is always something beyond my initial perception that triggers the thought. somewhere out there people has already figured this shit out
- and this particular one that lately I am becoming more aware / discovered my own interest in: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_epistemology
- Social epistemologists may exist working in many of the disciplines of the humanities and social sciences, most commonly in philosophy and sociology.
- In addition to marking a distinct movement in traditional and analytic epistemology, social epistemology is associated with the interdisciplinary field of science and technology studies (STS). // this is the one I heard Ramit said in one of the fireside chat ~a week ago and I was “wait up…. that’s a thing? I can actually study that??“
- https://study.com/academy/lesson/epistemology-definition-examples-quiz.html#transcriptHeader
- https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/EJ1152204.pdf
- four types of knowledge are developed: declarative, procedural, contextual, and somatic.
Declarative knowledge contains domain-related facts and concepts, often centered on the ability to verbalize a given fact.
- Procedural knowledge takes the declarative one additional step, using those initial concepts to solve a problem or learn an implicit task that was otherwise unknown.
- Contextual, or conditional knowledge, relies on the use of strategy to define an outcome using all available and relevant knowledge at hand (Garner, 1990; Brezillon & Pomerol, 1999; Taylor, Cordeiro, & Chrispeels, 2009).
If a task or process becomes precise as a result of the action at hand, it is possible that a large portion of the contextual knowledge can be “proceduralized” to the current focus of content (Brezillon & Pomerol, 1999, p.2). - Somatic knowledge combines sensory information to determine perspective based on a first-person point of view instead of the third-person. Looking at a situation from the inside out can give additional insight into feelings and environment in order to process intention (Hanna, 1998; Green, 2002).
The somatic process intimates that leaders must learn to trust their ability to intentionalize a situation based on how they interpret the interaction of themselves with the surrounding environment (Sellers & Young, 1998)
well shit. I have been missing out? haha. I never knew this is an option. that this is a thing.
like, how can any young adult even realised there is such a thing and he/she is interested in it and can pursue it…
is it just me? was I ignorant? yeah seems like it. hahahaha. I never knew this is in the menu (I was aware of language, IT, and psychology)
// dulu nggak ada beginian sih yg pasti https://www.teknik.unpas.ac.id/blogs/mengenal-jurusan-kuliah-untuk-program-ipa-dan-ips/
but then,
- if I had deeper understanding of what is in store, and as a result decided to major in philosophy, I wouldn’t be where I am now, with a pretty unique intersection I guess?
- and perhaps back then I wouldn’t have the self awareness to recognise my interest towards philosophy anyway? I didn’t even know I was a philosopher at heart. I thought I was into human psychology.
- and. if I had majored in philosophy, I wouldn’t have acquired and sustained the interest organically? perhaps I would have bored out of my mind and became allergic to it by now? because even now, reading the materials, it’s damn dry and uninteresting. I couldn’t get to learning about it. I just do it naturally. I need to have the initial Q I want to investigate, and then I can find out on my own (which requires certain level of familiarity with the taxonomy, branches, and high level map of what and where things are in the grand scheme of things — “things” here are manmade social construct).
even only in the past 5-7 years that I knew social science is a thing
oh… IPS ya…
wtf man
gw dari dulu anak IPA sih emang (societal noise). dan nggak pernah entertaining the thought of “perhaps IPS is an option“. kena brainwash…
oiya beneran ada kayak gini https://www.zenius.net/blog/5483/jurusan-ipa-ips-sma // artikelnya bagus bgt btw…. bloom’s taxonomy segala. bener2 dari berbagai sisi… trus ini authornya udah almarhumah…? // wow such an interesting person… abis stalking btr…. e.g. this, is, totally my jam https://adoc.tips/thinking-101-annisa-r-wibowo-12.html
“Penyebab adanya miskonsepsi seperti ini bisa jadi bermacam-macam, dari mulai kualitas soal dan tingkat kesulitan yang jomplang antara pelajaran-pelajaran IPA dengan IPS, kualitas/kemampuan guru IPA dan IPS yang berbeda, sampai gengsi dari kalangan orangtua murid. Hal-hal seperti inilah yang justru secara simultan menguatkan miskonsepsi ini dari waktu ke waktu. Tanpa sadar hal seperti ini yang membentuk stigma terhadap jurusan IPA maupun IPS. Sehingga siswa yang nilai akademisnya oke dituntut untuk masuk ke jurusan IPA, padahal mungkin sebetulnya ketertarikan minat dia adalah topik-topik yang berbau sosial.”
wkwkkw. jadi gw kejeblos dan melaju di IPA/teknis/ilmu eksak ya istilahnya? (oh…. kalo IPS itu lebih qualitative kali ya?)
and I ended up surviving (arguably even thriving) karena emang rajin n telaten / keukeuh aja :p
modal gw cuma emang demen belajar. hahaha. the only true skill I have is the skill of learning
also always been interested in learning, knowledge, cognitive science (which is also a term I discovered is a thing for something I just naturally found interesting)
lalu sekarang secara gak sadar kesedot balik ke “my core self” dan mengembangkan skill IPS secara alami dengan bekal mindset IPA. jadi… hikmahnya gw bisa jadi truly interdisciplinary….?
OK the conclusion is:
- gw anak IPA yg baru menyadari bahwa pada dasarnya gw anak IPS, 17 tahun setelah lulus SMA….
- I’m all for bottom up learning